CELLebration Photos
Past and Present Executive Directors of CELL including Janet Boyle, David Dressslar, Lynn Weisenbach and Carey Dahncke
Dan Heath, New York Times Best Selling Author and Keynote Speaker at CELL's 20th Anniversary CELLebration pictured with CELL's Executive Director Carey Dahncke
CELL's employees excitedly greeting attendees of the 20th Anniversary Event
Executive Director Carey Dahncke addressing attendees of Dan Heath's keynote presentation
Dan Heath speaks on his book Upstream:The Quest to Solve Problems Before They Happen
Dan Heath signing his books at CELL's after event private reception
President Manuel, Secretary Jenner, Commissioner Lubbers & David Shane Retired CEO, LDI, LTD were a few of our private reception guests
Past and Present Executive Directors of CELL including Janet Boyle, David Dressslar, Lynn Weisenbach and Carey Dahncke
Dan Heath, New York Times Best Selling Author and Keynote Speaker at CELL's 20th Anniversary CELLebration pictured with CELL's Executive Director Carey Dahncke
20th Anniversary CELLebration Event Details
Over the last 20 years, the Center of Excellence in Leadership of Learning (CELL) at the University of Indianapolis has led, advocated, and partnered with educators to bring about dramatic and dynamic change to benefit Hoosier children. In celebration of our 20th Anniversary, CELL hosted a public and complimentary, thought-provoking presentation. We brought together our partners, supporters, and regional influencers, including local and state public officials, philanthropic organizations, business leaders, and educators from across the state to explore big ideas to reshape our work and transform how we look at the future of education.
Dan Heath is the co-author, along with his brother Chip, of four long-running bestsellers: Made to Stick, Switch, Decisive, and The Power of Moments. The Heath Brothers’ books have sold over three million copies worldwide and been translated into 33 languages. Dan’s new book Upstream: The Quest to Solve Problems Before They Happen was an instant Wall Street Journal bestseller, and it was included on “best books” lists from Apple, Amazon, the Financial Times, and others.
The Center of Excellence in Leadership of Learning is a leading convener, catalyst and collaborator for dynamic, innovative education change in Indiana.